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A Little 101 on Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A Little 101 on Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Posted by Graze Oil on May 31st 2024

Did You Know?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is known for its abundance of antioxidants and its ability to enhance health and longevity. But they are not all the same. To save money and get the full benefits it is important to use a Premium EVOO. 

A Little 101 on Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The flavors and profiles of Extra Virgin Olive Oils are similar to wine. They are dependent on the harvest, type of olives and location. As with wine they can differ in flavor and characteristics from season to season and location

Bitter is Better

Positive Flavor Attributes of EVOO

Fruity: having pleasant spicy fruit flavors characteristic of fresh ripe or green olives. Ripe fruit yields oils that are milder, aromatic, buttery, and floral. Green, younger fruit yields oils that are grassy, herbaceous, bitter and pungent. Fruitiness also varies by the variety of olive.

Bitter: a positive flavor sensation that’s detected on the tongue – very specific taste receptors. More prominent in olives picked when green or just turning color. EVOO with a high polyphenol content, a natural occurring antioxidant, tend to be more bitter.

Pungent: a pleasant peppery – picante – sensation in the back of the throat. Green, early harvest, olives tend to yield pungent oils that can cause a 1, 2 or 3 cough reaction when tasted. Don’t let the cough deter you; pungent oil can transform a dish from ordinary to extraordinary.

EVOO Specific Categories

Delicate/Light: A delicate EVOO is made with olives harvested in the later stages of ripeness. The oil will have a smooth and buttery taste, you’ll notice a fruitiness in the nose, no bitterness at all, and a slightly peppery finish.

Medium: A medium EVOO is made with a combination of olives harvested in both the early and mid-stages of harvest. This oil offers a fruity taste, a grassy scent, and a peppery/spicy finish.

Robust: A robust EVOO offers bold flavor, a balanced bitterness, and a very prominent peppery finish. You’ll also enjoy a fruity scent to the nose with this oil.